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International Applicants

  1. Applicants who either hold a foreign nationality and have never held the ROC nationality or do not have overseas Chinese student status at the time of application are eligible to apply.
  2. Applicants who hold a foreign nationality, have been staying overseas for six consecutive years at the time of application, and meet the following requirements are eligible to apply.
  3. Applicants who have graduated from a high school, college or university recognized by the Ministry of Education, R.O.C. can apply for admissions.
  4. Applicants who have been expelled from any R.O.C university due to immoral conduct, poor academic standing or committing any crimes that are not exempted from criminal punishment are not eligible to re-apply for admission.
  5. International students with a high school diploma are eligible to apply for undergraduate studies at National Penghu University of Science and Technology (NPU); students with a bachelor's degree are eligible to apply for Master's programs.

♦Admission Brochure is attached.

  • Text
  • Admission Brochure for International Students Academic Year 2024~2025
    下載 Pdf 檔(附件3-113學年度外國生單招簡章.pdf)_open new window
  • Admission Brochure for International Students Academic Year 2024~2025 Attachment
    下載 Word 檔(Attachment(1).doc)_open new window
  • 113學年度僑生港澳生單招簡章
    下載 Pdf 檔(附件2-1130621_113學年度僑生港澳生單招簡章.pdf)_open new window
Updated:2024-06-21 AM 08:36:59