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Interlibrary Loan

 ILL (Interlibrary Loan) is a cooperative process among different libraries, by which a library requests materials from, or supplies materials to, another library. Through Interlibrary Load service, people can apply to borrow books or copy materials from other libraries or institutions if the requested materials cannot be found at the NPU library.


*Applying for Interlibrary Loan Services

 If you have never had an interlibrary patron’s account and password, please apply for an account online first.→ The Library will send out a confirmation letter via E-mail to qualified users.→ You can use the Serial Union Catalog to find out which library has the material you are looking for→ Fill out the application request online.→ The Library will send you an e-mail notification when your applied for item arrives. → Pick up the materials and pay the fees.


*Qualifications and Regulations:

  1. Only NPU faculty, staff and students are eligible.
  2. It takes about 1-2 days to verify an applicant’s account. For urgent cases, please dial ext. 1826 for an immediate response.
  3. Please notify us of your school extension numbers or cell phone numbers.
  4. Please click National PengHu University Library under the institution section (please drag your mouse pointer to the “National” rather than the “Peng”)
  5. Please fill out the department and the year that you are currently studying.
  6. Accounts cannot be applied repeatedly. If you already have an account from another institution, you need to apply for account cancellation from the original institution first before applying for a new one.
  7. If you are applying for a copy of a document, please do not choose fax as the delivery way. If you choose fax as the delivery way, we will automatically adjust it to express registered mail.


*Service Charge:

 Each library has its own charging standard. There is no uniform pricing. Process speed depends on each library’s regulations and method of delivery. It usually takes about 3-5 days to process.


*Access the Nationwide Interlibrary Loan System

Updated:2018-09-04 PM 03:33:11