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Academic Affairs

*Registration Division

  1. New student admission and database
  2. Student’s ID card
  3. New student list, Withdrawal list, Student status retention status list
  4. Application of retention of student status
  5. Application of waived credit hours, department transfer, suspension, reentry and withdrawal.
  6. Graduation criteria review, issue of graduation certificate
  7. Student grading and transcript
  8. Scholarship for top three student of the semester
  9. Adjustment of faculty departments and classes
  10. Application for admission and recruitment of Four-year technology and Two-year Junior College curriculum
  11. Recommendation admission for remote islands and rural areas
  12. Technological and Vocational Education (TVE) Joint College Entrance Exam – Penghu area examination affairs
  13. College Advanced Subject Tests and General Scholastic Ability Test, Penghu area examination affairs
  14. Recommended admission for TVE and enrollment for technical skill excellence admission
  15. Enrollment and registered allocation affairs of technical college
  16. Enrollment for transfer examination
  17. Graduate institute affairs
  18. Other assigned businesses
Extensions: 1122, 1123, 1125, 1126, 1103 (Graduate Institute)
*Curriculum Division
  1. Calculation of teaching hours and overtime fees
  2. Curriculum development committee meetings, academic affairs meetings, and Committee on promotion of teaching quality assurance
  3. Course commencement and scheduling
  4. Course selection and midterm course withdrawal
  5. Midterm, final and graduation examinations affairs
  6. Graduate degree examination affairs
  7. Summer course repeat and remedial class affairs – student tallying and course planning
  8. Inter-campus course selection affairs
  9. Long-distance course affairs
  10. Teaching evaluation survey and statistics for instructors
  11. Survey for low student grades and statistics
  12. Collection of course summaries and progress charts
  13. Class rescheduling and makeup for teachers on leaves
  14. Study precaution and student counseling affairs
  15. Printing and collection of roll call lists
  16. Classroom facility service
  17. Teaching quality assurance affairs
*Teaching Resource Center
  1. Implementation, collection and promotion of teaching quality improvement plans
  2. Draft and revision of the charter and regulations of the Teaching Resource Center
  3. Professional growth of instructors and planning and promotion of creating teaching materials
  4. Training and management of teaching assistants (TA)
  5. Other affairs or immediate businesses of the Teaching Resource Center
Updated:2018-08-16 AM 11:46:15