Registration Division
- New student admission and database
- Student’s ID card
- New student list, Withdrawal list, Student status retention status list
- Application of retention of student status
- Application of waived credit hours, department transfer, suspension, reentry and withdrawal.
- Graduation criteria review, issue of graduation certificate
- Student grading and transcript
- Scholarship for top three student of the semester
- Adjustment of faculty departments and classes
- Application for admission and recruitment of Four-year technology and Two-year Junior College curriculum
- Recommendation admission for remote islands and rural areas
- Technological and Vocational Education (TVE) Joint College Entrance Exam – Penghu area examination affairs
- College Advanced Subject Tests and General Scholastic Ability Test, Penghu area examination affairs
- Recommended admission for TVE and enrollment for technical skill excellence admission
- Enrollment and registered allocation affairs of technical college
- Enrollment for transfer examination
- Graduate institute affairs
- Other assigned businesses
Extensions: 1122, 1123, 1125, 1126, 1103 (Graduate Institute)
Curriculum Division
- Calculation of teaching hours and overtime fees
- Curriculum development committee meetings, academic affairs meetings, and Committee on promotion of teaching quality assurance
- Course commencement and scheduling
- Course selection and midterm course withdrawal
- Midterm, final and graduation examinations affairs
- Graduate degree examination affairs
- Summer course repeat and remedial class affairs – student tallying and course planning
- Inter-campus course selection affairs
- Long-distance course affairs
- Teaching evaluation survey and statistics for instructors
- Survey for low student grades and statistics
- Collection of course summaries and progress charts
- Class rescheduling and makeup for teachers on leaves
- Study precaution and student counseling affairs
- Printing and collection of roll call lists
- Classroom facility service
- Teaching quality assurance affairs
Teaching Resource Center
- Implementation, collection and promotion of teaching quality improvement plans
- Draft and revision of the charter and regulations of the Teaching Resource Center
- Professional growth of instructors and planning and promotion of creating teaching materials
- Training and management of teaching assistants (TA)
- Other affairs or immediate businesses of the Teaching Resource Center