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General Education Center
*Mission and Vision
a. Our mission and goal is to advance students’ humanism quality, for attaining which we try to instill the connotation of general education while they are receiving the education of skill specialization at the same time. We expect to bring up talents with both expertise and cultural literacy, implementing the idea of “Holistic Education”. 
b. We carry out curriculum plan which applies complementary equilibrium model and design and offer elective general education courses comprised by bountiful and multiple connotations. We wish to foster students’ extensive competency in self-study, capacity for independent thinking, and the ability of problem-solving, laying the foundation for their “lifelong learning”.
c. We integrate natural landscapes and cultural resources originating from Penghu area into our courses in which the connotations of marine culture are programmed. We look for to leading our students to expand their international perspective while developing the selfless attitude towards domestic care and concern, practicing the education of “local characteristic”.
*Course Description/Curriculum Planning
 In addition to being responsible for planning and promoting general education courses of liberal arts and Chinese literature, our center also assists in commencing and implementing physical education. The design of liberal education includes humanities and arts (literature and history, religion and philosophy, arts and culture), social science (society and psychology, political science/politics and law, economics and management), natural science (nature and science technology, ocean and environment, exercise and health), and other hidden curriculum (service learning, life virtue), etc. 
Updated:2018-08-16 AM 11:50:13