

Elsevier 5月 Reaxys (化學資料庫) 線上教育訓練 (英文),歡迎本校師生報名參加!!


Elsevier 將於5月22日舉辦Reaxys (化學資料庫) 線上教育訓練 (英文), 講者是本公司負責生命科學產品的全球顧問專家, Piotr Golkiewicz. 歡迎將該活動資訊分享給有興趣的老師, 同學, 或同仁. 也歡迎將與Reaxys化學相關專業問題提出由我們專家於該場次提供解答, 謝謝.

時間: 2024年5月22日 15:00-16:30

註冊會議短址: https://reurl.cc/prqAYd

如果註冊有任何問題, 請老師, 同學, 或同仁直接用信件聯繫我, 謝謝. 以下是英文說明, 供各位發放給貴機構/校的外籍老師, 同學, 同仁. 謝謝. ***** Reaxys, one of the largest chemical databases in the world, combines over a billion chemistry data points with AI to support innovation in drug discovery, chemical R&D and academia. To help researchers to stay ahead in the field of Chemistry, Elsevier will host one Reaxys online training workshop in May. The session will be conducted in English by Piotr Golkiewicz, Elsevier global subject expert in Life Science Portfolio. We welcome you to join to bring the questions you have and learn the insights of Reaxys. Workshop: Stay ahead in your field with Reaxys Date and Time: May 22 3:00-4:30 PM Workshop description and registration link: https://reurl.cc/prqAYd If you have any questions with registration, please contact jade.li@elsevier.com. ***** Kind Regards, Jade Jade Li 李麗娟 Customer Success Manager, A& G , Elsevier 客戶成功經理 * jade.li@elsevier.com

最後異動時間:2024-04-11 下午 02:56:16